Archive for the ‘Healthy, High-Performance Organizations’ Category

Organizations that truly excel in the digital world harness the power of collective brilliance. Sure, some companies clearly have great visionary leaders, but these individuals are not able to make visions come alive on their own. They must harness the power of teams of people. The recent MIT Sloan research report on digital business emphasizes…

  This article is part 2 of 2. If you have not already read part 1, you can do so here. As I pointed out in part 1, the greatest benefit mindfulness can bring to your life is the opportunity to choose how to lead your life, instead of reacting to it. Most of us…

A Tale of Two Ads: the cost of disconnection

May 9th, 2017 by Robin Anselmi

Empathy. (Don’t roll your eyes.) People often call it a ‘soft skill’ – and the underlying implication is that ‘soft skills’ just aren’t as business critical as other skills. A few weeks ago, Pepsi found out exactly how critical this ‘soft skill’ is to business. If you haven’t heard, they launched this ad, featuring Kendall…

I’ve never been one who has believed in the maxim, “Don’t talk about politics or religion.” I get it, of course, and I see (and practice) its usefulness often. What makes me bristle about the statement is that progress is not made, relationships are not deepened, and individuals do not become wiser by avoiding difficulty…

We’re hearing more and more about including love in the way we lead. This may seem like a new topic in relationship to work, but we believe it is imperative. It’s an approach rooted in the deepest human needs of every person within our organizations. When we can understand the needs our team members have…

5 Ways to Cause Inspiration

February 23rd, 2017 by Jim Motroni

There’s a lot of talk these days about how leaders need to be able to inspire their teams. Too much of this talk revolves around “cheerleading” people and doing things that, for many of us, aren’t natural and feel forced. To our teams, these forced actions seem odd and manipulative. If you and your teams…