Posts Tagged ‘business’

A Tale of Two Ads: the cost of disconnection

May 9th, 2017 by Robin Anselmi

Empathy. (Don’t roll your eyes.) People often call it a ‘soft skill’ – and the underlying implication is that ‘soft skills’ just aren’t as business critical as other skills. A few weeks ago, Pepsi found out exactly how critical this ‘soft skill’ is to business. If you haven’t heard, they launched this ad, featuring Kendall…

How many times have you been in a place where you were willing to give up something you love due to a perception that it was too hard to confront the situation and easier to remain silent or run away? It is important to realize that this can cause a “disconnect” and it puts in…

G’day, it is small touches that change our world… this below will never make a desk calendar or a thesis… It is simply what a few folk I’ve being working with in Telstra have chosen to add at the end of their emails… particularly when sent late or across time zones. I think is an…