Posts Tagged ‘connection’

How many times have you been in a place where you were willing to give up something you love due to a perception that it was too hard to confront the situation and easier to remain silent or run away? It is important to realize that this can cause a “disconnect” and it puts in…

I’ve never been one who has believed in the maxim, “Don’t talk about politics or religion.” I get it, of course, and I see (and practice) its usefulness often. What makes me bristle about the statement is that progress is not made, relationships are not deepened, and individuals do not become wiser by avoiding difficulty…

The Quality of Connection Shapes Results

July 22nd, 2016 by Colin Pidd

Connection isn’t just a convenient by-product of results. Rather, high levels of connection within an organization actually help shape the results. When people within a workplace feel a sense of community and the possibility to make a valuable contribution, the need for supervision and added accountability decreases. In this episode, Mickey and Colin begin with…