Posts Tagged ‘listen’
Leading Healthy Organizations
October 19th, 2012 by Mickey Connolly
Leaders create the conditions for positive organizational health, and are a product of them. Yes, you heard me right. Leaders make organizations healthy or not, and they are made by them. This can occur as an irresolvable paradox—how can I be responsible for making something if it is also making me at the same time? …
The Gift of Feedback
September 24th, 2012 by David Goldsmith
A few nights ago my wife said to me, “I don’t know if you realize it, the way you talk lately has become ponderous and you are over explaining things.” While intellectually I knew that I have asked Marie to point these things out when she sees them, in the moment it felt harsh to…
The Agile Ascent: Leading in the Age of Agility
June 15th, 2012 by Mickey Connolly
Recently, I saw a prominent leader in descent. His iconic business, hugely profitable for years, was in rapid decline. Voices of customers, employees and investors were not being heard. Returning to past glory seemed more important than discovering new pathways to profit; his board responded to that bit of nostalgia with an invitation to depart….
- Posted in Trusted, Engaging Leaders
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- Tags: action, agility, context, dynamic, insights, interrelated, leadership, learn, listen, speed
Smarter Together: Accelerating Speed-to-Results
June 15th, 2012 by Mickey Connolly
Last year, I worked with a group of senior leaders facing a tough administrative cost cutting environment. Faced with the potential for service reduction, they asked Conversant to help them save in a way that would grow their contribution and be true to their mission.
- Posted in High-Speed, High Stakes Results
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- Tags: challenge, collaboration, hope, leadership, learn, listen, participation, results, savings, speed