Surprising Results
Making a meaningful, continual, and energizing difference
Vitality grows in cycles of surprise. When people produce valuable results beyond their own expectations, there is widespread, energizing delight. The key is designing and delivering short cycles of surprise, and we will show you how. As you explore the concept of surprising results, what questions does it raise or insights does it provoke about your leadership practice?
Rapid Results Roadmap to 90-day results
The Rapid Results Roadmap helps leaders and teams focus on the essential to discover solutions that are simple, elegant, and true-to-purpose.
Surprising Results practice #1: System Fit Assessment
Assess the fit of your project through the lens of the existing strategy, structure and processes, metrics and rewards, and culture and behavior.
A Quote on Surprising Results from Benjamin Disraeli
A quote that you can use as your desktop background.
How to select a 90-day surprising results project
Take a core sample of an important problem that seems difficult or impossible to solve, and turn it into a surprising results project.
How purposeful collaboration led to a change in mindset and surprising results
A global aerospace, defense, security, and advanced technologies company and the US Navy collaborate to reduce strategic weapon systems costs while providing performance excellence.