Explore: Beyond the book resources
Below you will find a summary of the links that are referenced in The Vitality Imperative book. We invite you to use this online resource to support and deepen your exploration of these ideas. To access additional resources for each promise, use the menu on this page.
Presence-Empathy Deep Dive: Where you get resistance, do research—use this tool to reflect and prepare for the next conversation—from a different point of view. (Pages 40-41)
High-purpose, low-bureaucracy organizations: A few examples of organizations that make purpose the boss. (Page 54)
Conversation Prep Chart: Use this tool to help you understand what matters to key stakeholders and prepare for important conversations. (Pages 60-62)
Discovering purpose for large groups and large organizations: How sure are you that your organizational vision or mission is giving people a sufficiently compelling purpose? Ask yourself these questions to find out. (Page 62)
Recovering purpose with Glad-Sad-Mad: Is anyone related to your vitality imperative alienated or otherwise disconnected from the work at hand? If so, you can host a glad-sad-mad debrief. (Page 63)
Four key skills for increasing authenticity: Discover how these skills apply to your vitality imperative (Page 75)
The Conversation Meter: A collection of practices, video clips, real-world examples, and other useful material to help you begin improving the quality of your conversations right away. (Page 83)
Chart a conversation: Use the movie 12 Angry Men to practice authenticity. (Page 84)
The Invisible Gorilla: An exercise in selective attention (Page 112)
What is it time for now?: Examples of organizations asking and answering this all-important question. (Page 125)
Cycle of Value Diagnostic: Use this tool to help guide timing conversations. (Pages 125-127)
Using the Cycle of Value to powerful effect: A collection of practices, video, examples, and more on the Cycle of Value. (Page 128)
Surprising Results
System Fit Assessment: Assess the fit of your project through the lens of the existing strategy, structure and processes, metrics and rewards, and culture and behavior. (Page 137)
Rapid Results Roadmap: This tool helps leaders and teams focus on the essential to discover solutions that are simple, elegant, and true-to-purpose. (Page 139)
Conclusion: A fact-based fable
Connected Leader Review: Use this review to assess the degree to which you are personally operating as a connected leader relative to an important relationship or project. (Pages 155-157)
Organizational QuickScan: Use this scan to quickly assess the quality of vitality in your organization. (Page 167)